Top 3 Instagram Influencer Traits

Tip: Look for an Instagram influencer with more than just a ton of followers.

Thanks to research by De Veirman, Cauberghe & Hudders, I am here to walk you through the best tactics to finding your perfect Instagramer for your influencer marketing campaign.

1. More doesn't mean better

Assumption: an Instagramer with the most followers has the most influence. Think again! Having tens of thousands of followers does not always mean that he or she will be a good influencer:

    A high number of followers may thus lead to higher perceptions of popularity, and subsequently higher likeability, but it does not mean that the influencer is automatically perceived as an opinion leader

The assumption that a high number of followers is a sign of a great influencer is simply not true. In your search, look for an influencer that is popular and has an engaged audience. The more engaged the audience is, the more influence he or she has. This is the sign of a true opinion leader.

2. Not selfish, but genuine

One’s followers to followees ratio also plays a huge role in an Instagram influencer’s success.

    …results suggested the emergence of a negative relationship between number of followers and likeability when a particular influencer follows very few accounts him-/herself.

Influencers who limit their following to a select few are less active in their digital community. This makes them seem less genuine and will not be a successful influencer for your company. However, it is important to note that this perception is more common in women. If your target market is mostly women, then this is important to know.

3. If you're different, be different

Additionally, you must also understand how your product or company fits into the campaign. If you think your company, service, product, etc. is different, less followers may be more!

    A high number of followers triggered the idea that the product is not that unique at all, as many others are interested in it.

If you want your business to stand out, it may be better to find a low-level influencer with a specific audience. Check out their recent posts and the types of users in their community to find the best fit.

Final thoughts

Finding the right person for your Instagram influencer marketing campaign is about more than just their reach. As you can see, it is important to have a deep understanding of your target market and your product when choosing as well. Views alone are not enough to create a successful influencer campaign. Put these tips into action and enjoy your most successful influencer marketing campaign yet!

Check out the full article here.

View my original publication here.